
Harimus blog

About me:

Hello! My name is Dan, a Robotics Software Engineer turned Robotics Learning researcher. I’m from Stockholm Sweden but currently live in Tokyo, Japan.

The theme of the site is inspired by LessWrong. I have a lot of incomplete thoughts, majority of them I just forget or archive with a footnote. Some of them budge me more than twice and I write it down in my second-brain. Very select few of those, I get the urge to formulate it with consistency to form an opinion/argument, and few of those might be valuable (to me) to share. But an idea/thought are not complete without proper criticism, and while it’s a rather uncomfortable experience, the idea and the process of generating the idea grow a lot from it. Noticing that I’m wrong today is the first step to be less wrong tomorrow, and I can’t really achieve that if I don’t get feedback about my incomplete ideas!

I intend to use my GithubPage in two ways:

Here’s my resume

I don’t use Twitter that much because it overwhelms me. But I might post stuff now and then if you found anything on this site interesting Twitter