Tentative Thoughts

Welcome to Tentative Thoughts

Welcome to my site! Here I share my ideas around topics I’m interested in, which is mainly robotics learning or tech&science related.

I’ll probably end-up sharing stuff I’m probably wrong about here. The intention is to get feedback from people to improve on my thought process. Be easy on me, most of my thoughts are open to be convinced otherwise with a nuanced good-faith communication. Which I don’t think is possible in most short-form web-forum style communication platforms. So feel free to reach out to me in long-form if you have some interesting points to share. (Github Issues could be fun!)

I’ll think about a better blog layout after I’ve actually got something worth sharing published! I don’t intend to publish stuff on regular basis though.

Links to post

31 May 2024: Common misconceptions about the complexity in robotics vs AI

Tags: #blog #robotics